Available in two heights, three depths and many lengths, Doko credenzas carry the curved shape of the Doko line in attractive curved cabinet doors that put seams on cabinet sides (rather than the front) and provide a stunning one-of-a-kind look. All Doko credenzas have radiused corners just like the table line, stand tall on 1" round anodized aluminum legs, have diverse top and cabinet material options and are thoughtfully designed for varying uses from doors to drawers to shelves to AV equipment. Upgrade with drawer inserts, clear glass inside open shelves for added durability, or add waste and recycling cutouts to the unit tops. For style plus function, look to Doko credenzas.

Radiused corners
Curved doors with seams on cabinet sides rather than the front
Diverse materials
Multiple sizes for varying needs and looks
Thin anodized legs allowing the cabinet to appear to float
Finished backs for an outstanding look from all sides and use against windows
AV integration, if needed
A complementary look to Doko tables and waste receptacles or easily pair with other lines or custom work

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